Message Explanation
Dear Attendee
Please direct any questions to the panelists, LTS Health or Formato Clinico to Christoff Coetzee or call +1 (404) 695 2675.
At LabVine we are busy upgrading our user interface which will provide you with a better user experience within the next 10 days. In the meantime, please bear with us, sign up for free, watch the recording and post any questions or comment to the webinar forum.
To watch the webinar, please follow these instructions:
1) Sign Up as a member on LabVine (if you are already a member, please skip to Step 2)
2) Visit the Webinar page
3) Click on Enroll Now
4) Add to your cart
5) Follow the Checkout procedure
6) Go to My Purchases to manage your booking
7) Select Register as Individual and follow the instructions
8) The webinar will now available on your Dashboard
If you need any assistance in signing up or viewing the webinar, please contact us at LabVine Support
Please note that some functionality is not supported in IE. In order to fully experience LabVine, please download either Edge or Chrome.
We appologise for the inconvenience.